Increasing civic engagement and voter participation, one vote at a time.

Through non-partisanship, Cornell Votes strives to institutionalize and create a campus culture in which every person exercises their right to have a voice in their representation through voting, democratic engagement, and civic discourse within the Cornell University ecosystem.

Membership and Volunteering

Members serve in at least one of our three Departments to help increase civic engagement at Cornell. Members meet weekly within their Departments and individually contribute their knowledge, expertise, and creativity to form innovative solutions to complex problems as a group. Only current Cornellians (undergraduate, graduate, and professional students) may be a member of Cornell Votes.

Volunteers donate their time to events and other activities of Cornell Votes without serving in a Department. Students, faculty, locals, and anyone can be a Cornell Votes Volunteer!

Events & Activities

Cornell Votes' Departments regularly meet in advancing the goals of Cornell Votes. CU Votes continues to hold trainings, workshops, and other education events to teach the Cornell community how to register to vote and act upon that registration.

Exclusive Resources

Cornell Votes provides specialized resources for members of the Cornell community including our custom My Vote Everywhere portal. Cornell Votes actively collaborates with the University administration and local officials to ease the process for voting.


Cornell Votes partners with many organizations forwarding our mission including the Andrew Goodman Foundation, ALL IN Democracy Challenge, and more. We also work with student organizations, including those in our On-Campus Coalition.

This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.