Cornell Underrepresented Students in Physics

Navigate physics at Cornell with us!


Our Mission

Though the field of physics has been practiced for centuries, particular identity groups remain underrepresented within the field at every level, from undergraduate students to professionals. In response, the purpose of the Cornell Underrepresented Students in Physics (CUSP) is to empower students from underrepresented groups with community and information resources to ensure academic success and a personal sense of belonging.

What do we do?

We are a welcoming community dedicated to the support of underrepresented students in physics. Join us to learn more about the underrepresented experience and how to succeed as a physicist in Cornell.

Events & Activities

We present strategies to deal with mental health and academic challenges.


We are a great source of information when it comes to advice on classes or research opportunities.


Meet your fellow physicists and map out possible career paths and interests.